Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Vindication of the Rights of Women

So I know I may have borrowed the title of this post from Mary Wollstonecraft..but hey..who even knows her besides the Lit students out there. So I am one of those "intelligent Lit students" out there who supposedly knows what she Wollstonecraft was talking about.

Sure ..we all try our best to understand what an 18th century female British writer has to say about women and their rights. In a nutshell, Vindication of the rights of Women is a response to all those MCPS of the 18th century who thought women were as good as the bottom of their shoes. She argued a whole lot about improving the woman's role in society going to the extent of saying that in order to be companions to their husbands, to be good daughters, mothers blah blah, we need to educate the females. Granted. A whole century or more later women were equal in numbers to men in schools.

Women's Rights? They didn't have many back then. Now we do right? Then why are we still unhappy cranky ol' hags. Because as a species, we are unsatisfied. Deal with it.

I cant really relate to Wollstonecraft. Feminist philosophy has changed a whole deal. I guess I am more open to Salt N Peppa when they say "Aint Nuthin but a She thing". Yes you read right. It aint G thing, its She thing:

Now I can bring home the bacon and fry it in the pan
Never let you forget that you're a man
Cuz I'm a W-O-M-A-N
That's what I am doin' all I can
The thing that makes me mad, and crazy, upset
I gotta break my neck just to get my respect
Go to work and get paid less than a man
When I'm doin' the same damn thing that he can
When I'm aggressive then I'm a bitch
When I got attitude you call me a witch
Treat me like a sex object that ain't smooth
Underestimate the mind Oh yeah, you a fool
Weaker sex? Yeah, right! That's a joke
Have you ever been in labor? I don't think so, nope
I'm a genuine feminine female thing
Can ya hang? Ain't nuthin but a she thing

So the tables have turned. Women and men study, work and live together more or less equally. But the pressures are different. Its so easy to expect the wife or partner to work and be a working mom. Am I heading back to the medieval ages when I say I want to be able to have a choice in the matter? Maybe. Perhaps. Who am I kidding. Yes I am throwing away all the hard work those cool feminists out there slaved for. Literally.

I might not make any sense when I say this, but is it so wrong to just want choices in life. I want the choice to sit at home and raise my dogs and children. I want the choice to be an exotic dancer because it will get me a lot of money. I want to do it my way. I know it ain't gonna happen. Mostly because I'm chicken and full of talk. Its okay though. Venting is good enough for me.

So artists like Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, Christina Aguilera, Beyonce and Rihanna vent out through songs. Maybe they dont always write their own lyrics but its all there. The same pain. The same dilemas. Britney breaks out of her crazy shell and explodes in "Piece of Me". So she walks bare foot in a gas station bathroom, she goes bald, she has a breakdown. Dont we all. At the end of the day she is a good momma. She brings in the bucks. Shes a woman who has been trashed by men all around her. Shes not an angel. Nor is she innocent. She claimed that from the beginning right ( hint: Oops I did it again)

What about Rihanna..maybe she is a less controversial example..afterall she ONLY got beaten up by her Singer boyfriend Chris Brown, thats all. No biggie right. Wrong. Rihanna is the epitome of a classic whining woman. Whether she wants to check into "Rehab" because a man is her disease or because she wants to " cry" because she was "unfaithful" vice versa, she sings it well. I feel it.

Beyonce didnt have to try hard when she wept without crying in "If I were a Boy". If I were a boy I would seriously think twice before I get with a women. We are just to complicated for the average man (boy) to understand. Christina Aquilera went from being a "genie in a bottle" to becoming a " fighter". She's right. "It makes me that much stronger. Thanks for making me a fighter".

Lady Gaga takes the prize though. She knows just what men are all about and she accepts them in all her glory. She can put any man to shame with her "balls". She got her ass squeezed by sexy cupid, she see you there standing there with your eye on her and your hand on her HUH and she is okay with it. She doesnt want your love. Only your bling bling. Good for you Lady Gaga. You are the current generations feminist philosopher. Whether we like it or not. I accept it. All Hail the Gaga.


  1. aaaaaaaaa Salt'nPepa reference! Mary Wollenstonecraft!! (ok fine, im not a lit student, but i read books too!) AND lady gaga! woot woot!!! me likey readey whatchoo writey..methinks mewants s'moar! :D
